
Everyday Obsidian

Become more productive, focused and mindful with my course on Obsidian, without doubt my favourite digital tool.



Thumbnail of Lumina client

My Journey with Obsidian

Ever since I started software engineering, I have relied heavily on having a method of capturing notes. What started off as a simply using a notebook and pen became a digital practice. I have used several tools over the years (Notion, Roam Research) but ultimately have stuck with Obsidian as I believe it is the strongest offering of digital note taking tools currently.

I use Obsidian for everything. Daily journalling, book notes, meeting notes to name but a few.

Why build a course?

Since picking up Obsidian, I have been left disappointed with the lack of courses or content out there that showed me what I wanted to know about the tool. There are foundational videos that show you the basics of using the app and then a lot of fairly advanced use case videos built around such concepts as "Zettelkasten", a method of keeping notes. For the majority of people this is not going to be useful.

In my opinion, this is one of the greatest reasons there hasn't been wider adoption of Obsidian. It is too scary to get started with. Notion is also a complex tool at the base level, but adoption has been fairly mainstream I believe in due part to the fact that there is so much good content out there on the tool.

I'm creating this course as a resource that I would have wanted to use several years ago when I was learning how to become effective in Obsidian.